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Tips for Successful Conduct of an Arbitration

Arbitration is a method of resolving disputes outside the courtroom, where the parties agree to submit their conflict to one or more arbitrators who make a binding decision. It is Read More

The Top 10 Advantages of Mediation

Mediation offers several advantages over traditional litigation, making it an increasingly popular method for resolving disputes. Beyond simply “settling out of court,” a mediation can provide a positive and comprehensive Read More

Why California Is a Favorable Forum for Arbitration

When faced with commercial disputes, businesses often seek arbitration as a faster, more confidential alternative to traditional litigation. When fixing the forum for arbitration, California emerges as a compelling choice Read More

How Mediation Can Resolve Real Estate Disputes

Although buying or selling a property is transactional in nature, disagreements can arise that might threaten to derail the deal. Worse still, these conflicts can lead to costly and time-consuming Read More

Choosing Between Binding and Non-Binding Arbitration

Arbitration has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional litigation for resolving disputes. Arbitration clauses are often part of contracts in a wide range of industries and commercial matters, including Read More

Using Mediation to Resolve Workplace Retaliation Claims

Employees who engage in legally protected activities — such as reporting discrimination, harassment or safety concerns or expressing political views — are sometimes faced with retaliation by their employers or Read More

Resolving Construction Disputes Through Arbitration

Construction is one of the most complex and challenging of commercial endeavors, involving as it does a vast combination of material and human resources and a multiplicity of decisions and Read More

The Six Stages of Mediation and How They Promote Problem-Solving

Mediation is a way for people with disputes to seek resolution with the help of a neutral third party, known as a mediator, without the need to go to court. Read More

Calif. Companies Can Now Require Arbitration of Most Employment Disputes

A recent federal appeals court ruling has settled an issue that had been in flux in California: whether a state law could block employers from mandating that disputes with employees Read More

Common Legal Issues That Can Be Effectively Resolved Through Mediation

Legal professionals estimate that the vast majority of civil cases, perhaps 90 to 95 percent of them, settle outside of court. In many cases, mediation is wholly or partially responsible Read More

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